Friday, October 4, 2013

Dump me...

Since the humidity is in the range of being close to a whale's coochie, I decided to stay in tonight and drink many a North Coast 'Pranqster' and commiserate with myself over the state of the union; following a ridiculous amount of self-pity with a side of remorse over the obvious lack of morality that the Bible told me that I no havy...

...which is concurrent with my hatred of the tard of the South Newt Gingrich and his modern-day equivalent, Ted Cruz...but that is old news and I hate repeating myself myself myself myself myself... tonight's festivities will be limited to the stimuli of the visual, because in my altered state I cannot even begin to make sense of either the aural or the mental; due in no small part to denial being a force to be reckoned with - and my imaginary friends even hating me...

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